
by florin

Discover the mysteries of human antiquity and wild beauty in Baia de Fier!
This picturesque village, together with its charming neighbouring settlements, is a historical treasure trove that has contributed to the research of human evolution through the fossils discovered here by cavers and history buffs. Surrounded by enchanting landscapes, here you can discover the distant roots of man as he lived with the wild world and domesticated animals thousands of years ago.

Although the earliest written records of the area only date back to the late 15th century (1480), Baia de Fier has a much older history, lost in the mists of time. Here, over tens of thousands of years, when man was just emerging from animality, events took place that defined his journey on Earth.
Archaeological discoveries made in the Muierilor Cave by the Institute of Archaeology of the Romanian Academy in 1951, 1953 and 1955 revealed a hoard of tools belonging to the Mousterian culture of the Middle Palaeolithic (120,000 – 100,000 years BC), demonstrating advanced technique and meticulous stone and bone carving.
Numerous precious artefacts, such as bone ‘hand tips’ and ‘spear tips’, have been found here, along with fossils of northern creatures such as mammoth, Siberian rhinoceros, cave bear, lion and cave hyena. The Iron Bath is truly a portal to the past, where eras are interwoven through ceramic fragments belonging to various cultures, from the Neolithic to the feudal and more recent eras.

Among the treasures, two bronze ornaments have been brought to light: a brass spear and a bronze-age ring, testimonies to times long gone. And the human remains uncovered, including a skull and mandible, belonged to a female ‘Homo sapiens fossilis’ (modern man), bringing before us a vivid picture of times long past.
We invite you to explore the ‘Cave of the Moos’, a wide, warm and bright oasis that has been home not only to humans but also to entire communities of cave bears. Here, history is revealed in the form of over 183 skeletons of these majestic creatures.

During the Iron Age, Baia de Fier played a crucial role, as evidenced by a horse shoe found in the cave, a symbol of the horse’s use as a riding animal. Archaeologists from 1957-1958 revealed traces of primitive iron smelting furnaces, witnesses of times gone by awaiting their discoverers.
Throughout time, the Baia de Fier commune has preserved written testimonies of its evolution. From the first documented mentions in the 15th century, through moments of glory and challenges, to the administrative transformations after the 1960s, this settlement has woven its own story, surrounded by the natural beauty and priceless heritage of the past.
Here, you can feel connected to ancient history, explore the mysteries of human evolution and admire the fairytale landscapes that frame this wonderful settlement. The Iron Bath is waiting to be discovered, to conquer your hearts and to offer you a journey into prehistoric times and the authentic traditions of the place.

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