
by florin

Discover the wonderful Baia de Fier Commune, located in the heart of the Getic Depression in the beautiful setting of the Southern Subcarpathians, just 20 km west of the point where the 45° north latitude line harmoniously intersects the 24° east longitude meridian. Here, at the eastern end of the Parâng Mountains, you can let yourself be captivated by the natural beauty and authenticity of the place.

Its natural boundary to the east is carved by the mighty Oltețul River, while to the west, the playful Botota Stream charmingly separates the Baia de Fier Commune from the charming town of Novaci. To the south, a conventional border demarcates the commune from its neighbour, Comuna Bumbești – Pițic. To the north, a limestone ridge, with cliffs rising to the sky, is the natural boundary of this blessed area.

Located just 49 km from the vibrant municipality of Târgu-Jiu, in the north-western part of Gorj County, Baia de Fier Commune welcomes your curiosity with its two villages: the picturesque Baia de Fier village – the true heart of the commune, and the quiet village of Cernădia, each with its own unique charm given by its size, households and welcoming inhabitants. Set at a height of 700m above sea level, this community shines like a pearl in the string of villages that proudly line the ridge of the Southern Carpathians.

This corner of paradise with an administrative area of 12,023.22 ha awaits you with open arms to explore its riches and enjoy the hospitality of its villagers.

Come and discover the Baia de Fier Commune, an authentic paradise in the middle of nature, where every gleam of light reveals ancient stories and dreamy landscapes!

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