Terms and conditions

by florin

If you use the services offered by www.visitbaiadefier.ro by default, you agree to the terms and conditions below:

General terms

This website (generically named SITE) is the property of Baia de Fier Municipality. Accessing this site or any part of this site implies tacit agreement regarding the following terms. The user agreement produces its effects between you and the Municipality of Baia de Fier. Acceptance is considered tacit and unreserved.

The Municipality of Baia de Fier can change the content of the site at any time, can make changes to the structure, content and accessibility, can stop providing information on the site, without prior agreement and without any notification to you or to third parties.

Continuing to use the site implies your tacit agreement with regard to the entire Terms and Conditions presented below. Use implies acceptance of the Baia de Fier Municipality rules.

The Municipality of Baia de Fier can change, suspend or interrupt, at any time, without prior notice, the website. It can also limit access to the site or to certain parts of the site.


The content of the site is intended for personal use, without direct or indirect commercial purpose. All published materials (including, but not limited to, articles, information, photos, data, audio/video clips – generically called content) are protected by the applicable legal provisions

Law no. 8/1996, with subsequent amendments and additions – regarding copyright and related rights, Law no. 84/1998 – regarding trademarks and geographical indications and Law no. 129/1992, republished – regarding industrial designs and models. The Site and the Content are protected by the Romanian Copyright Law, as well as by the copyright provisions applicable in territories other than Romania. Any form of copying, storage, modification and/or transmission of the Content is expressly prohibited, without the prior written consent of Baia de Fier City Hall.


All rights are reserved. Users may download and print content from this site for personal or non-commercial use only. Copying, reproducing, recompiling, decompiling, distributing, publishing, displaying, modifying, creating complete derivative products or services, as well as any way of exploiting the content of the website www.visitbaiadefier.ro are prohibited.

The retrieval of information by other websites can only be done in accordance with the terms agreed by the Romanian Press Club: “The Board of Honor considers that the free retrieval of some press materials can only be done within the limit of 500 signs , but without exceeding half of the article or news item in question, thus ensuring both the free circulation of information and the character of “press magazine” supported by the internet pages in question. Mandatory, in these cases, the source of the information must be cited.

The visitbaiadefier.ro logo and www.visitbaiadefier.ro are the property of Baia de Fier City Hall, none of them can be used / copied without the written consent of Baia de Fier City Hall.


You are solely responsible both to third parties and to Baia de Fier City Hall in relation to accessing, using or exploiting the content. The Municipality of Baia de Fier reserves the right to modify, delete any message posted on the site, interpreted at the discretion of the Municipality of Baia de Fier as abusive, defamatory, obscene or of the nature of infringing a legally protected right.

The use of the site represents the fact that you declare and agree with the publication by Baia de Fier Municipality of a content, established on the basis of its own criteria, content that can be interpreted as having been published, presented in a manner that is not compliant with your wishes. In such a case, Baia de Fier Municipality cannot be held responsible.

Obligations of users when filling out registration forms

Access to the online content of the website www.visitbaiadefier.ro is free.

All the data provided by the user must be real, he being responsible for them.


Baia de Fier Municipality adopts all security measures to protect the personal information of its users. All user information is confidential. The servers on which the personal identification information of the users are stored are located in a secure place.

Modification of the terms and conditions

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to update, change or replace any part of these Terms and Conditions, publishing on the available communication channels information about the updates and/or changes made. It is your responsibility to check the website periodically for any policy changes. Continued use site, after the publication of information about updates and/or changes to the Terms and Conditions, constitutes your acceptance of them.

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